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= OpenLab SignalToolkit - Oscilloscope
The most significant aspect was that the Look & Feel of the GUI resembles a traditional oscilloscope.
Moreover, functions which are needed constantly are easy to access, whereas complex features are hidden in the menu bar.
Thus, the application is easy to use and provides complex functions as well.
Furthermore, the user is not overwhelmed with countless features and is immediately able to start with the signal analyses.
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image::https://es.technikum-wien.at/openlab/openlab_wiki/wikis/img/SignalToolkit_Oscilloscope/SignalToolkit_Oscilloscope_main.PNG[caption="Figure 1: ",title="Main view of the OpenLab SignalToolkit Oscilloscope",align="center"]
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The signal graph in Figure 5 illustrates a sine waveform with 10.5 Vpp and a frequency of 1 MHz on channel one,
whereas the second channel indicates a rectangle waveform with 5.1 Vpp and a frequency of 500 kHz.
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== Horizontal Scaling
The horizontal scaling has a close connection between the
sampling rate and memory depth. The sampling rate is one of
the most important characteristic values of an oscilloscope.
Nevertheless, a high sampling rate is only useful if the
memory depth is dimensioned sufficiently. The following
Equations 1 and 2 explain the precise mathematical link
between the sampling rate and the memory depth.
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Equation 1 is utilized to calculate the displayable time range
T of the signal graph. The time scaling parameter t is adjusted
with the horizontal knob in the GUI. This knob has a value
area from 250 ns to 1 s. The div parameter stands for divisions
on the x-axis. The signal graph of the GUI has 10 divisions
on the x-axis.
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image::https://es.technikum-wien.at/openlab/openlab_wiki/wikis/img/SignalToolkit_Oscilloscope/SignalToolkit_Oscilloscope_Formula1.PNG[caption="Formula 1: ",title="Calculates the displayable time range T of the signal graph",align="center"]
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It is mandatory to adjust the sampling rate according to the
displayable time range T and memory depth. The following
Equation 2 illustrates the calculation of the required sampling
rate SRreq. The parameter SRMAX is the maximum sampling
rate, which is 2.5 MSa/s. The memory depth MD amounts
to 600 samples. If the computation of SRreq would exceed
SRMAX, the sampling process is changed to SETS.
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image::https://es.technikum-wien.at/openlab/openlab_wiki/wikis/img/SignalToolkit_Oscilloscope/SignalToolkit_Oscilloscope_Formula2.PNG[caption="Formula 2: ",title="Calculates the required sampling rate SRreq",align="center"]
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