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The Software was implemented on the _TM4C1294NCPDT_ from Texas Instruments.
It includes an 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4F single-core processor with a clock frequency
of 120-MHz. In addition, a 1024KB flash memory ROM1 is avalable. This is loaded with
TivaWare C Series software. For communication purposes the board provides several interfaces. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the available software for the microcontroller.
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image::https://es.technikum-wien.at/openlab/openlab_wiki/wikis/img/OpenLab_osci_tivac_imp/osci_tivac_firmware.png[caption="Figure 9: ",title="TM4C1294NCPDT block diagram (1)",height=600,align="center"]
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Two build in buses ensure a connection between the core and various peripherals. The first,
called Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB), is an obsolate bus. The second, named Advanced High Performance Bus (AHP), offers better acces performance than the APB.
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== Program Flow
The TIVA-C board needs a main application to run the microcontroller. Figure 2 shows the
flowchart of the microcontroller application.
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image::https://es.technikum-wien.at/openlab/openlab_wiki/wikis/img/openLab_osci_tivac_imp/osci_tivac_flowchart.png[caption="Figure 2: ",title="Flowchart of the application",height=350,align="center"]
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First of all, the system clock has to be set to run the program with 120 MHz. Subsequently, the
configurations of several peripherals has to be conducted, which is described in the following
sections in more detail. The main application needs an infinite while loop to run the program.
This is necessary to run the timers and to ensure handling of sampled data packages which
are sent to the GUI over the USB.
== Bibliography +
The content of his chapter is taken from the master thesis "_Development of low-cost microcontroller based oscilloscope_" by Susanne Schierer, BSc, February 2017.
. Title
. CERES CONTROLS: _Tiva C Series TM4C1294 Connected LaunchPad_ [Online] http:
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